Things To Be Grateful For

things to be grateful for

Many times, during our life we often don’t find many things to be grateful for.  We may be going through something very difficult and life isn’t going the way we had hoped.  During these times we don’t think about all that we are grateful for.  The Bible says that we

Unlock Your Life’s Purpose with these Motivation Tips

Unlock Lifes Purpose

Does it seem like it takes a lot of motivation to just take that first step of starting a new project, article or business venture?  Are you unsure or confused as to what God’s will or purpose is in your life? There is so much more to life than living

Bashing Our Government Brings a Powerful Discovery


It is widely known today, many people that are bashing our government are holding marches and some are destroying people and businesses in our country.  Also there are some citizens in the United States that feel for the people that enter our country illegally and would like to open our

How Good do I have to be to get into Heaven?


Many years ago, as a born-again Christian I used to attend a church that seemed to emphasize that I was going to Hell unless my decisions on what I would do or not do is according to God’s Word. I would sit in the pews and feel very nervous about

Hell is for Real?

hell is for real

The Bible states that there are two places for us to go when we die.  Heaven is one place that is beautiful where people are now Christ-like and enjoy more happiness and beauty than they will ever see here now.  It is not a place of boredom, but a joyous

Is the Bible Real Truth?


I have often heard people remark that they weren’t sure if the Bible was real truth.  Many men of God transcribed directly from God what is written in it.  It doesn’t seem probable that all these men would make this up.  We would have no hope in the world is

18 Priorities in Life to Do While We still Can


What are our priorities in life?  While we are living with schedules and deadlines these days, we tend to put on the back burner what really matters in our heart and our priorities in life.  I know that when the attacks occurred on September 11th, at that point I reevaluated

Change my Life

change my life

When there are challenges in my life, it leads me to feel that I need to change my life on my own sometimes.  I not only think that I need to deal with personal changes, I get concerned with the changes in the world as well. There are also various

Why am I Afraid to Read the Bible?

Read the bible at church

My Bible had been collecting dust on the shelf for years. But why was I so afraid to read the Bible? In the past, I thought I was saved. I prayed and read the Bible occasionally and attended Church. I was baptized when I was a child because the Bible

How Inspirational Bible Verses can Change Your Life

inspirational bible verses in bible pages

People often turn to Inspirational Bible verses when they need to read God’s Word to help pick them up from discouragement, despair, disappointment, or general hopelessness.  Possibly just the love of reading God’s inspirational bible verses is their desire.  The reason why I turn to the Bible as opposed to