Join the Movement to Fulfill Your Dreams

Imagine a way to fulfill your dreams! Dreams that would have never been possible before. After trying everything on my own, I discovered that God absolutely has the best plans for my life.  “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him,

Discover How to Live Your Dreams

Living Your Dream

Have you ever had the yearning to discover how to live your dreams? Dreams play an important role in God’s plan for touching lives, unleashing Heaven on Earth, shaping culture, and discipling nations. The Bible teaches that God speaks to us through dreams, therefore giving direction for our lives and

Are White Butterflies Messages and Signs of Love?

white butterfly

The white butterfly meaning has been pondered over for quite a while.  There is no mention of white butterflies in the Bible.  Have you ever wondered what white butterflies mean when they show up and do the most unusual things in your presence? I have often wondered why and how

When You’re not Looking…it will Happen?


Have you ever been told that if you aren’t looking for a significant other, that’s when it happens? I’ve always believed the assumption that if I don’t look for someone then I’ll never find them. Then I really started to analyze that way of thinking and remembered that God doesn’t

Middle of the Road Christians


Many are middle of the road Christians in the church, so what’s the big deal? What is a middle of the road Christian? It is a Christian who is not necessarily hot or cold toward Christ.  They go to church but never really live life with real purpose toward God.

How to Stop Being a People Pleaser

People pleaser

What is a “people pleaser?”  It is someone who thinks that they need to please others even when it isn’t right for them.  Imagine having someone ask you to marry them and you did because you didn’t want to hurt their feelings.  Yes that is pretty extreme but it may

What a Relief that He Is Everything

what a relief

What a relief to know that I am blessed to have never ending grace. Times when I wished I could have more of what this world offers, Jesus came knocking on the door of my heart. He is always there to give me hope to trust He is doing all

How to Plan for the Best Results

how to plan

They always say fail to plan, plan to fail.  Well I’m guilty of doing that and when I didn’t plan I always felt like I had no direction.  I was just relying on chance or luck to get me where I needed to go.  Yes, I would experience one situation

Lessons Learned by Being Open


Looking back at my life, why wasn’t I more open to God’s lead then?  Why didn’t I listen when all I did is what I thought would be best for me?  Too many years have gone by…if only I had been more open to what His calling was for my

Why Should I Share When I Feel Selfish?


I think it’s great when I see little children freely share their toys with others.  I remember when my son was around nine years old and I gave him a Birthday party.  All the children that attended received little gift bags with small toys and candy during the party.  One