Is God Punishing Me?

is-god-punishing-meHave you ever done something wrong or maybe you still do something wrong in your life and feel that you are being punished by God for these things?  In the past I did something foolish and fell on my shoulder and felt some pain afterwards.  It seemed like it was okay until I was unable to work my business of selling gourmet snack items.  I couldn’t handle the stress to my shoulders and have been having trouble ever since then.  I was forced to sell the business at a loss.

It runs in my family to have gall bladder issues so I need to watch my diet and I am learning I need to fast to keep my body running smoothly.  Lately my shoulder pain and eye issues have come back and my Naturopath said it is stemming from my liver and I needed to increase my intake of vegetable and healthy what I call “bland foods!” 

Everyday day I wake up in just as bad of pain as the last day in my shoulders and wondered why I wasn’t getting any better.   I was praying for healing, but why wasn’t God helping me?  The pain was very excruciating.  Then one morning a few days ago, I was watching the 700 Club and Wendy was praying and said that “God’s word says that He forgives all sins and heals all diseases.  Your body will line up in Jesus name when you receive the forgiveness that God gives you.” That was a total wake up call for me!  I had been thinking maybe I deserve this and I should have been a better Christian in the past to be healed. 

God doesn’t work this way!  He loves all of us and wants us to be healthy, we just need to believe that he forgives all our sins and is there for us to make our lives better in a great way every day! I have been praying to Him and even thanking Him for these issues and the knowledge I am learning from them. I now understand that I am forgiven and pray for Him to please heal me in Jesus name. The reason I thank Him for the trials is because it always reveals His love and our trust in Him.

I am not totally pain free yet, but the soreness around my upper body and my shoulders is easing up each day along with my eye issues…Praise God!

He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases.

He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies.

He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle’s!

Psalm 103:3-5