

If your desire is to be in Heaven for eternity, becoming a Christian means trading in your old life of sin for a new life in Christ. Jesus called this being “born again” where every part of your life reflects God’s glory. We need to examine our lives and ask ourselves if we are truly living a Christian life. Being born again isn’t a one-time event; every day we should desire to wake up as a new creation of Christ.

“Jesus replied, ‘Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.’”’

-John 3:3 (NIV)

When we’re filled with the presence of God, His glory infects every part of our lives. What we say and do and how we treat others are all influenced by how we perceive God. As Christians, we aren’t exempt from the trials of life. We know, perhaps better than anyone else, how tough it can be to stay strong in the middle of a storm. But what separates us from the world is our faith; before we knew Christ, we trusted the world to carry us through. Now we know that Christ is the only one strong enough to comfort us and direct our paths. He has made us new, and we are called to prove it to the world.

By living our lives for God we are transformed and living in Heaven for eternity is our ultimate reward. Heaven is a beautiful place and we cannot even imagine it’s depth of beauty. But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9

Before we were born again, we were dead in sin. But now that we have found Christ, we must die to sin to gain the beautiful life He gives us now and hereafter. Galatians 2:20 says, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

Before, we lived as ourselves and for ourselves. When we are born again, we give God control over our lives.  Since God is living in us, our lives will be a powerful mirror of His glory.  We should be living by the theology that everything we are reflects the greatness of God. We are all branches of God’s kingdom; every day we are given the chance to give glory to His name and impact someone’s life. “Christian” is not a label; it’s a visible transformation, evidence of change.

Knowing that Heaven is now your destiny doesn’t mean you can justify sin. It means that you are no longer a slave to sin. It’s about letting God enhance and fill every part of our lives. Life as a born again Christian may not be easy all the time, but it’s worth it. Jesus gave His perfect life on the cross so that we can be saved; and with the Holy Spirit living within us now, we can be comforted by this because he is there with us leading us in the best direction for our lives.

None of us know when we will be called home to Heaven, so it is wise to accept Jesus Christ as you Lord and Savior today.  Saying this prayer below or praying in your own words is trusting Him for your salvation and a live forever in Heaven with Him.  We know that He is in our heart and is the all-knowing ultimate guide for our life.

Dear Heavenly Father, I believe that Jesus died for my sins on the cross and rose again in three days.  Please forgive my sins and save me from eternal separation from you.  Thank you for hearing my prayers and providing a way for me to live with you in Heaven forever.  Please allow the Holy Spirit to guide my path and give me the wisdom, strength, and determination to do your will in my life.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

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