Looking at my life I wondered if I had ever felt safe? I remember feeling safe when I was a child in my home. The safe feeling my parents gave me while growing up and I never wanted for anything that I needed. During my adulthood, I had the safe feeling of having a steady career and a locked door at night.
Maybe I feel a little safer because I live in America? Feeling safe can come in all forms. But was I truly safe from all my life’s circumstances?
I thought I was safe when I said “I do” when it turned into years of an emotional roller coaster ride that ended up not being tolerable any longer. I had to completely start over again after so many years trying to work things out. I pondered if I would ever be safe and content in my life?
I worked and cared for my son tirelessly but I couldn’t keep him from losing his life. There is not a human being on this earth that can ever make it totally safe for anyone.
I found that trusting God allows me to be very safe and I try not to dwell on things that I thought I could handle alone in the past. I am moving forward with total faith and so joyful that God has made me truly safe.
The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe. Proverbs 29:25
I rely on Him for everything and I know in my heart that He has the best for me because I have experienced it. What a blessing and an honor for Him to love me that much and being safe is what He desires for me.
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