Is the Bible Real Truth?

is-the-bible-realI have often heard people remark that they weren’t sure if the Bible was real truth.  Many men of God transcribed directly from God what is written in it.  It doesn’t seem probable that all these men would make this up.  We would have no hope in the world is this were true.  I have witnessed the wisdom from these scriptures that had to be written by an all knowing God.

Hundreds of prophesies have been fulfilled and will continue to be fulfilled in the future.  The Bible is like a road map into the future and reading its pages full of knowledge is very interesting and informative.  It helps us prepare for what lies ahead and what better way to go through life?  It’s much better than being blind to world events when we can get real truth and comfort from God who is in total control of all things.

Archeological finds have uncovered proof of events that happened during Biblical times. Dr. Nelson Glueck, who was an expert on modern authority on Israeli archeology, has said:
“No archeological discovery has ever controverted a Biblical reference. Scores of archeological findings have been made which confirm in clear outline or in exact detail historical statements in the Bible. And, by the same token, proper evaluation of Biblical descriptions has often led to amazing discoveries.”

It is so exciting when these archeological finds are discovered!  After finding Noah’s Ark, it was then rebuilt to scale.  It would be fun to tour the ark and imagine what it would have been like in the day with Noah and the big flood. Seeing these finds prove even more of how much the Bible is real and is the truth.


There are many more facts that prove the Bible is real, but I know that God is real and His love and guidance are so clear in the pages of this book.  If we take the time to read His good Word – the real truth, we will be equipped to live the best life possible.


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