Why I Shine Today for My Sweet Son

When I first held you, my face shined.

When you smiled your first smile I shined.

When you said your first word, I shined.

shine for god

You are my son and that alone made me shine.

Your beautiful son that you left behind makes me shine. 

You left this physical life three years ago today, and because of you many memories still shine.

Your spirit shines through God from heaven to me. 

I see your love shining in white butterflies with butterfly kisses.

I see your love shining through songs at just the right time.

I hear your heavenly prompt to stop when I am not showing love and forgiveness.

I shine when your friends and family say you are unforgettable and always remember you.

I shine when my ears are ringing right after I think of you.

The reassurance of your spirit shows and shines in my dreams.

I shine thanking God and knowing that He is taking good care of you.

I shine when I think about God’s miracles we shared together.

I love you my sweet son and I shine knowing that God relays my message to you daily in my prayers saying “I love you.”

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.  2 Corinthians 4:6

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