Unlock Your Life’s Purpose with these Motivation Tips

Unlock Lifes Purpose

Does it seem like it takes a lot of motivation to just take that first step of starting a new project, article or business venture?  Are you unsure or confused as to what God’s will or purpose is in your life? There is so much more to life than living

When You’re not Looking…it will Happen?


Have you ever been told that if you aren’t looking for a significant other, that’s when it happens? I’ve always believed the assumption that if I don’t look for someone then I’ll never find them. Then I really started to analyze that way of thinking and remembered that God doesn’t

18 Priorities in Life to Do While We still Can


What are our priorities in life?  While we are living with schedules and deadlines these days, we tend to put on the back burner what really matters in our heart and our priorities in life.  I know that when the attacks occurred on September 11th, at that point I reevaluated