Unlock Your Life’s Purpose with these Motivation Tips

Unlock Lifes Purpose

Does it seem like it takes a lot of motivation to just take that first step of starting a new project, article or business venture?  Are you unsure or confused as to what God’s will or purpose is in your life?

There is so much more to life than living out each day and not having a purpose for that day.  How many miraculous blessings have I missed throughout my life just squandering the days away and expecting to be blessed when I don’t focus on God’s will or purpose?

I love to write but sometimes my lack of motivation keeps me from my writing. When I am motivated, it gives me the will to create, be productive and achieve a sense of satisfaction.  I actually get things accomplished, which in turn takes my inaction to action and I feel growth, and a feeling of significance and more power because of mastering my purpose in this life.

By excelling my motivation, I then have the opportunity to touch other people’s lives by my writing and so it becomes the main focus of my life that I enjoy.  When I learn to overcome being stuck and become motivated, I am living out my dream of spreading the word of God and His powerful influence in my life.

I have found that the results for living out God’s plan for my life now opens the door for more blessings…how great is that?

You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.  Hebrews 10:36

God's will

The best way to stay motivated for whatever your life’s purpose, is to not worry specifically what that is. The best thing to do is take action!  Create a schedule that is realistic and stick to it. Do God’s will and it will happen naturally and in His timing as shown:

 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11.

Your schedule will be something similar to this depending on your God-given talent or area of interest:

Every day is a great opportunity to:

Start off the day with prayer.  Read the Bible and or listen to a recorded Christian radio show.  My favorite is Intouch.org with Charles Stanley.  The online radio broadcast lasts about twenty minutes. After dinner, read the Bible and do Bible study.  If there is a church service today, it’s good to attend and co-mingle with other people of faith and learn more about His word. Volunteer for help needed when you feel the Holy Spirit prompting you.

Day One:
Reach out to friends and relatives that are not saved and have a friendly conversation.  Tell them about what great things God has done for you and is presently doing in your life, and lead them to Christ.

Day Two:
Write an article or work on your particular project and donate something or time to charity.

Day Three:
Do marketing for articles and or products and submit articles to other Christian blogs and social media.  Also posting comments on blogs or forums with the related website link will allow for more exposure.

Rinse and Repeat!  Now there may be some days where you need to work overtime or a big event comes up and some things need to be moved around. Being there for your family also is a huge priority.  Raise your children with more attention and Godly discipline and you will have fewer worries when they are grown!

Another way to achieve even more motivation is to be aware that the days are short and you never know when you may run out of time to fulfill God’s will.

Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. James 4:14

Do as much as you can weekly and record your daily accomplishments. Add extra or different Godly activities that fit your life. Review them weekly and see if you are staying motivated for God’s Kingdom and watch how you soon will discover your life’s purpose!
