Disappointing Life to Living Your Dream


Many people including myself have just made our own way throughout life and have found that reaching desired goals has never really come to pass. I would focus on trying to make more money and on finding the right personal relationship.  I strived for years to achieve my dream life. 

How can I feel Safe in this Life?

How can I feel safe in this life

Looking at my life I wondered if I had ever felt safe? I remember feeling safe when I was a child in my home. The safe feeling my parents gave me while growing up and I never wanted for anything that I needed. During my adulthood, I had the safe

A Dream Come True Can Be Yours

In order to have your dream come true, do you ever want something so bad that you almost put your life on hold until you achieve it?  For example it could be a number of things such as another car, home, job, location or relationship, etc. I used to feel

Christian Divorce – Is it Right?


A Christian divorce is usually looked down on by other Christian friends. Fellow church goers and friends may know your ex and wonder how you could ever divorce when he or she seemed so nice. Or that a divorce could happen between two people when it is stated that God

God Opens Doors When Doors Slam Shut

God Opens Doors

There was a time in my life a long time ago where I felt so bored and no sense of purpose.  Soon doors were starting to slam and at the time the new open doors seemed frightening to enter.  Many familiar doors were closing behind me and I forged ahead

Why a Visit can Change Your Life


When I think my life is too busy, I stop and remember that it is good to visit people.  Maybe even some “things” I may need to revisit as well.  Here is a list of reasons why we need to visit or revisit things in our life and how important

Reasons to Wait on God

Waiting on God

  I have been waiting for my life to change to something much more, But signs are saying wait on God’s perfect plan, that is what I long for. Extreme feelings of anxiety and fear have ultimately consumed me, Day by day I’m learning not to try so hard and to let things be. I

Memories I Hold Dear

memories I hold dear

Memories of my past I hold dear, They are etched in my heart so clear. My heart forever aches for them; Will complete joy ever come again…               I truly have faith and without dismay, I will again feel all the beauty of each

Boost Your Courage!


When the world seems to be falling apart, it sometimes is very difficult to have courage.  Don’t forget that God is in control. Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever

How to Attain Love and Caring in Your Life


I sometimes have felt like getting in my car and driving as far away as I could to escape some difficulties I was having in my life.  But when I realistically thought about doing this, it seemed so pointless.  Since I am human, my feelings tend to get self centered